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Buy AED Machine: With Complete Guide

3 products

AED machine or Defibrillator is essential for cardiac emergencies. It is designed to deliver an electric shock to the heart to restore normal rhythm in cases of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias.

The defibrillator analyzes the heart’s electrical activity and when it determines the presence of abnormal rhythm, the user is prompted to administer shock by applying two electrode pads to the patient’s chest. An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a compact and portable device specifically created for universal use. It comes equipped with user-friendly instructions, making it accessible even to individuals without any medical experience.

Defibrillators are not just for healthcare facilities, they are a must have for all public areas including airports, schools, sport stadiums, shopping centers and more. Find your next defibrillator or AED at Angelus Medical & Optical

Visit our showroom in person or contact us to schedule a virtual visit., Call: (310) 769-6060, Text / WhatsApp: (310) 508 - 4592

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