Plastic Surgery Instrument Tray
Equip yourself with the precision and accuracy of a state-of-the-art toolset with this Plastic Surgery Instrument Tray. A combination of new and used instruments combine to bring you the confidence you need to tackle even the most complicated cases. Why waste time searching for each instrument separately when you can get a complete set all at once! Get ready to conquer plastic surgeries like never before!
- Forceps:
- Mosquito - Hartmann, Curved Delicate forceps Ser 5"
- Mosquito - Halsted,Straight 5"
- Mosquito - Halsted, Curved 5"
- Dressing - Semkin, Narrow 6"
- Dressing -Semkin, Narrow 1x2 5"
- Adson Tissue, 1x2 4-3/4"
- Adson Dressing, Serrated 4-3/4"
- XD Crile -Sklarlite, Curved 5-1/2"
- Needle Holder:
- Mayo-Hegar,7"
- Scissors:
- Slender Tip, Curved 5-1/2"
- Dissecting, Ragnell, Curved 5-1/4"
- Operating: Sklarlite, S/BSt 5-1/2"
- Strabismus: Sklarlite Scissors Straight 4-3/4"
- Mayo Dissecting, Sklarlite, Straight 6-3/4"
- Mayo Dissecting, Sklarlite, Curved 5-1/2
- Retractor:
- Miller-Senn, Sh D/E 6-1/2"
- Miller-Senn, Bl D/E 6-1/4"
- Aim Retractor 2"
- Jansen Retractor Sh 3x3 4"
- Zalkind Ribbon Retractor 1.5" x 7"
- Frazier Suction Tube 10 FR